Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Monthly Archives: July 2001

The Baer family says rumors they might sell out are "absolutely false."

The Clague House Museum, built in 1876, will be the setting for the July 8 show.

The grand opening for the exotic animal sanctuary's large cat and carnivore compound will be July 7.

Park It class for second and third graders will teach them how to find their way around the woods.

An entomologist from Georgia says a certain not-so-picky maggot would be more than happy to help clean up commercial chicken houses.

The Ohio School Boards Association is conducting a workshop for those who haven't made up their minds whether to run for office or not.

The solution to annoying bees at your family barbecue may be to share your feast.

The potential of biotechnology and genetically altered plants must be weighed against the risks of using it.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 25 that the mushroom checkoff is unconstitutional, saying it violates free-speech rights under the First Amendment.

The 10th annual Frontier Herb Fest - the nation's largest annual herb conference - will be Aug. 17-19 at Boulder, Colo.