Saturday, May 4, 2024

Monthly Archives: September 2002

An antiques sale and show is scheduled for Sept. 28-29 at the Canfield Fairgrounds in Canfield, Ohio.

Terrorist incidents causes people to recommit to being more vigilant in following safety procedures - even on the farm.

Although growing crop nut trees is typically a hobby, there is a market for the product.

Seafood farmers aren't wading through murky waters of improbability.

Even though commodity farm production is grim, there are opportunities to continue farming and remain profitable for farmers with all types of soils and tools on hand.

The USDA presented the Ohio Department of Agriculture with $1.6 million, the first time Ohio will receive funding through the federal Farmland Protection Program.

If you listened beyond the notes at Farm Aid 2002, founder Willie Nelson and Farm Aid board members Neil Young, John Mellencamp and Dave Matthews pushed a message promoting sustainable agriculture and preservation of the smaller family farm.

There's more to Willie Nelson's Farm Aid agenda than just helping "family farmers," as Editor Susan Crowell suggests in her commentary this week.

This year's Farm Science Review, Sept. 17-19, at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio, featured the obligatory huge combines and track tractors, but it was obvious from a stroll around the grounds, that small is big - and getting bigger.

While columnist Judith Sutherland and her son Cort continue to battle the ups and downs of Lyme disease, her work has helped another patient's diagnosis.