Thursday, May 16, 2024

Monthly Archives: September 2002

The man was ordered to pay nearly $6,000 in fines and replacement costs for killing a large black bear in April that he claimed was killed in self-defense.

Ornamental grasses can be used for ground covers, accent plants, winter interest, perennial borders, native gardens and more.

Ohio firefighters and citizens received awards for heroism and service.

A related factor farmers need to consider is whether to let the crop dry in the field or harvest it at a higher moisture level and dry it with heated air.

Phil Chase of Waterford Jubilee Foods paid $3 a pound for the grand champion market steer at the recent Erie County 4-H Livestock Sale at the Waterford Fair.

Ag economist Carl Zulauf's words are sure to raise some eyebrows: Droughts don't always cause financial hardship for farmers.

The conference, Oct. 10-11 in Guernsey County, will include tours and discussions on grazing.

Growers should be identifying which fields are suffering from diseases and marking those fields for early harvest, advises one Ohio plant pathologist.

Local antiques dealers with a variety of specialties will be available to provide information and estimations of value on items.

We share a letter this week from longtime Farm and Dairy columnist G. Russell Evans.