Sunday, May 5, 2024

Monthly Archives: October 2003

From hundreds to thousands of dollars, producer price differential is hitting dairymen's pockets and balancing the dairy market.

Headliner of the night was outstanding conservationist Congress Lake Farm.

It's been a lifetime since he helped his father deliver milk in Medina, yet Carl Abell has kept at the dairy business, from farming to fashioning a museum.

Membership agreement from 1957 was one of oldest Farm Bureau items displayed atPortage County's annual meeting.

Members hear news of possible dues increase; hand out scholarships to youth members.

The state expects anyone who withdraws or uses more than an average of 10,000 gallons of water per day in a month to register a water source and withdrawal amounts.

In this week's commentary, Editor Susan Crowell gives her take on various issues.

A decline in lamb consumption and sheep numbers worldwide is pushing representatives from the United States, Australia and New Zealand to explore ways to improve the U.S. market.

Tom Noyes offers tips on supplementing cow diets when you're short on hay.

What are you going to do for the next nine months until a new crop of haylage is available? Are you going to purchase dry hay and from where? OSU Extension dairy agent Tom Noyes gives some suggestions in this week's column.