Friday, May 3, 2024

Monthly Archives: July 2004

Some families spend their free time boating, fishing or playing golf, but for the Hines family of Wooster, their free time is spent feeding, watering, training and showing their Belgian draft horses.

Penn State alumni and people familiar with the university will quickly cite one of the university's claims to fame - University Creamery ice cream.

Engineers from the Air Force Research Laboratory designed an advanced robotic trenching tractor, called Robo Trencher, so combat engineers can perform cable trenching and excavation missions in dangerous locations.

The pesticide collection and disposal service is free, but only farm chemicals will be accepted.

USDA will not conduct a referendum on the soybean checkoff.

Reader challenges other dairyment to do their part in stopping milk pooling and depooling.

Vegetable crops tour and field day is Aug. 4 at the North Central Agricultural Research Station in Fremont.

The Ohio Department of Agriculture is reminding exhibitors to take a close look at livestock exhibition laws and rules to prevent mistakes punishable by law.

Ohio's corn crop is about two weeks ahead of normal and in good condition.

Agricultural economists urge producers to weigh the benefits and risks when making fall marketing decisions.