Thursday, May 2, 2024

Monthly Archives: September 2004

COLUMBUS - Many agronomists recommend to begin harvesting corn for dry grain storage at about 24 to 25 percent grain moisture.

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - In what's become par for the course, agricultural input costs are up for the 2005 growing season.

WEST SALEM, Ohio - Dean McIlvaine's grain farm sprawls across 830 acres by the ocean. At least that's the way he likes to think of the four-lane interstate that borders his property in Wayne County, Ohio.

Danny Armstrong's smile masks the past year, the surgeries, the grueling repetition, the disappearance of many months and the struggle to prove ... a country boy can survive.

ROCK SPRINGS, Pa. - The idea of Pennsylvania-grown bananas may sound like a joke, but it's a definite possibility if farmers use a simple approach evaluated by Penn State scientists.

ROCK SPRINGS, Pa. - Plasticulture's uses don't stop in the high tunnel at Penn State University. Researchers here are looking at ways to complete plastic's lifecycle and are experimenting with plastic-fueled power.

The swirling hurricane season keeps pounding away, and everyone I've talked to in recent days is concerned about friends and family living in the southeast.

The most important election in farm country this fall won't be in presidential swing states like Iowa and Wisconsin nor will it involve mad cows, angry Brazilians or even promise-spewing, glad-handing politicians.

Cool night air, lingering now at dawn, drifts through the open windows of the house. We want to huddle under covers and stay in our warm beds, but not today - a school day.

The most dedicated servant is always the last to see the layoff coming. One minute, you think you have the utmost in job security.