Sunday, May 5, 2024

Monthly Archives: March 2007

WASHINGTON - The 2007 farm bill was at the top of the list of topics that more than 150 farmers from across Pennsylvania discussed with congressional representatives in Washington D.

STRONGSVILLE, Ohio - There's a buzz in the air at My Girlfriend's Kitchen.

U.S. Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, on ... The 2007 farm bill: Better prices lately have meant less spending, so it's likely there will be less money to go around this time.

WASHINGTON - Bipartisan legislation introduced in both houses of Congress and strongly supported by the

WASHINGTON - Lawmakers writing the 2007 farm bill have about $30 billion worth of requests per year for funding from the commodities portion of the bill.

WASHINGTON - Horse slaughter is an issue that cuts to the core of agriculture and it has farmers looking anxiously to their legislators for help.

The recent televised Academy Awards program was an Al Gore-apalooza, as the assembled actors and musicians were almost giddy in their support of the former vice president.

For farm families, spring cleaning takes on an entirely different meaning than it does for most people.

Regardless if March arrives with a lion's roar or a lamb's bleat, grain and livestock markets will spend each of its days sweating over the U.

Frost seeding of legumes in February and early March can be used to improve pasture quality and yield.