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Monthly Archives: December 2007

WOOSTER, Ohio - Want to extend your growing and marketing seasons? Protect your crops from cold, wind and rain plus certain pests and diseases? Make more money in the process? High tunnels can help you.

COLUMBUS - Eligible dairy producers can now sign up for the

WASHINGTON - The number of beef cattle and calves entering the nation's feedyards increased in October, but overall supplies of fed cattle are likely to remain tight into next year, according to

AMES, Iowa - The bacterium that causes leptospirosis, one of the most widespread infections transmitted between animals and humans, appears to be changing in ways that could limit its ability to survive and thrive.

NOVELTY, Ohio - Diane (Dee) and William Belew of Auburn Township recently made a life-changing decision to ensure that nothing at all changes in their life.

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. - Pete Anderson, vice president of sales and technical services for VetLife, told the attendees at the

CINCINNATI - A drop of oil the size of a dime on a bird's body or wings can damage the insulated layer of down feathers and cause the bird to freeze to death.

SALEM, Ohio - Wayne County's Andy and Deanna Troutman were selected the Outstanding Young Farm Couple by the

SALEM, Ohio - "We oppose the sale of raw milk direct to consumers." Well, sort of. And then again, not really.

SALEM, Ohio - The Ohio Department of Agriculture wants to disqualify Geauga County's 2007 grand champion market steer and have its exhibitor give back his ribbons and $7,000 premium check after the steer tested positive for steroids.