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Monthly Archives: June 2012

Ohio wines have a full-bodied history, ripe with civil war, Prohibition, countless frosts and diseases, but there's never been a time of such growth as there's been in the past five years.

In an effort to boost Ohio's wine industry, researchers with Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) are determining what new wine grape varieties can survive and thrive in Ohio's climate.

Wine and food lovers in northeast Ohio are rejoicing because a new project from the City of Geneva in cooperation with the Ohio Wine Producers Association promises to, "transform the world's vision of Ohio wines." in the words of Doniella Winchell, executive director of the Ohio Wine Producers Association and board member of Pairings.

BELTSVILLE, Md. — A natural remedy that delays and reduces the severity of mastitis infection in dairy cattle is being investigated by scientists at...

Click here for the feature article about growing winter markets and the current trend. WOOSTER, Ohio -- Providing more opportunities for produce farmers to grow...

U.S. Department of Agriculture shows Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York are in the top states for year-round markets.

WASHINGTON, D.C.--The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Council on Foreign Relations, hosted an event recently to discuss an Independent Task Force...

WASHINGTON -- U.S. median household net worth declined 35 percent between 2005 and 2010, from $102,844 to $66,740 (in 2010 constant dollars), according to...

Now that the Senate passed its version of the farm bill, the pressure's on the House side to craft a new bill before the current act expires at the end of September.

CHARLESTON, W. Va. -- Homeowners in West Virginia may have noticed two pests on their yellow poplar trees this year -- tulip tree scale...