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Monthly Archives: October 2012

Marketing Assistance Loans use your stored crop as collateral to issue a low interest loan for up to nine months.

WASHINGTON -- A U.S. Census Bureau report shows that in many of the largest cities of the most-populous metro areas, downtown is becoming a...

MILLHEIM, Pa. -- The Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture will host a farm tour Oct. 23 at Frankferd Farms in Butler County, as part...

WOOSTER, Ohio -- Wind farms. Solar power. Biogas. Ohio is starting to embrace renewable energy. And attendees will have a chance to learn more...

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. -- The Department of Environmental Protection recently issued an air quality plan approval to Moxie Liberty LLC of Vienna, Va., for construction...

PARK RIDGE, Ill. -- The incredible edible egg. It's a tune familiar to so many Americans, one that stays in your head all day...

GETTYSBURG, Pa. -- Dedication Day events, at the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, will feature director Steven Spielberg as the keynote speaker. Occasion This...

WASHINGTON -- To help increase the survival of newborn piglets, USDA scientists have developed a new method that predicts animals' mortality and nursing ability....

MECHANICSBURG - Dairy and specialty crop farmers have special scholarship opportunities this fall for AgBiz Masters, the nationally-recognized, award-winning learning series for young and...

Saving seeds over winter can be easy. Here's how.