
Wed., May 25, 2016 at 6:30pm


Wed., May 25, 2016 at 7:30pm

Event Venue

Salem Public Library

821 E. State St.

Salem, OH



Posted In

“Do It Yourself Lamp Repair” is the topic of the Fix It Wizard program set to take place on May 25, 2016 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the library’s Quaker Room at 821 E. State St., Salem, OH. Presenters Dorothy and Fred Conser will teach us how to do those basic lamp repairs that will save us money, give extended life to those lamps that may have sentimental value to us or fit perfectly with our décor and breathe new life to those thrift store treasures we want to upcycle.

Fred and Dorothy Conser are knowledgeable craft persons with extensive building, remodeling and refurbishing skills.

Please go online at www.salem.lib.oh.us or call the library at 330-332-0042 to register for this class that is open to the public and free of cost to attend.

Learn more to enrich your life at your community public library. We are here to serve you and we look forward to seeing you!

