Beef industry task force sets priorities at Nov. meeting


DENVER — In the second meeting of the Beef Industry Long Range Planning Task Force, Nov. 22-23 in Denver, 20 beef industry leaders developed the framework for a three-year strategic plan.


The task force, representing every segment of the U.S. beef industry, drafted a vision and mission statement and outlined six core strategies vital to the future of the industry.

The draft vision: “An industry united around a common goal of being the world’s most trusted and preferred source of beef products.”

The draft mission: “To work collectively in providing the safest, highest-quality beef and beef products for our growing and increasingly diverse domestic and global customers to ensure sustainability for the environment and future generations.”

The six core strategies vital to achieving the vision and mission are to:

Capitalize on global growth opportunities

Increase domestic demand for beef.

Grow the U.S. cow herd.

Strengthen beef industry image.

Protect and enhance our freedom to operate.

Improve intra-industry relationships, trust, and openness.

Next meeting

The task force will meet again in January to complete a draft of the long-range plan in early 2011 for consideration by the directors of various industry organizations.