Lake Metroparks presents HorseFest at Lake Farmpark


KIRTLAND, Ohio – Lake Metroparks is rounding up all horse lovers for HorseFest 2002, May 18-19, at Lake Farmpark in Kirtland.

The activities of this two-day event focus on the versatility and history of the horse, offering a variety of equine activities and demonstrations for people of all ages and interest levels.

New demonstration. New this year will be a demonstration on the Parelli “Natural-Horse-Man-Ship” System presented by special guest Carol Coppinger and her horse, Ranger.

Coppinger spent several years training and showing both gaited and non-gaited horses primarily in rail and versatility events. During this time she won several world championships in reining, jumping, barrels, poles trail obstacle and hunt horse events.

She discovered Pat Parelli and his Parelli Natural Horse-Man-Ship System in 1995 and immediately knew that she had found a more focused and natural way to train both the horse and rider.

HorseFest 2002 features many visual presentations throughout the two-day affair.

Other activities. New this year are re-enactment camps from different eras of American history showcasing the role horses played during those times.

Other activities include the opportunity to drive a draft horse and watch a demonstration of the ancient sport of Medieval games; plus other equine presentations including Cutting, Baroque Dressage, shoeing, mule packing, side saddle, and much more.

Vendors displaying many equine-related products and services will be on hand during the weekend.

Our Light Horse Brigade will feature their popular Cavalcade of Breeds, featuring many well-known and some rare breeds of horses. Also, enjoy Hoofbeats through History, a dramatic presentation of the horse and its use throughout its colorful history in a show filled with remarkable costumes on both horse and rider.

Activities planned exclusively for Saturday include a fox hunting demonstration and a presentation on nuisance training.

Competition. On Sunday, observe mounted units from local law enforcement agencies as they compete against each other riding through an obstacle course.

This competition demonstrates many real-life difficulties a mounted law enforcement rider can face in extreme situations.

Bring your children to the children’s activity tent for an opportunity to meet and groom a pony.

Many fun hands-on activities are in store for children during HorseFest 2002, including learning the art of roping with our very own Cowboy Ben, plus stick pony relay races, face painting, and more.

Admission. Admission is $6 for ages 12 to 59; $5 for seniors 60 and over; $4 for youth 2 to 11; and children under 2 are admitted free. Members of Lake Farmpark receive free admission.

For more information call 440-256-2122 or 800-366-3276, or visit

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