Roundup of 4-H news for Sept. 5, 2019


STRASBURG, Ohio — The Happy Harvesters 4-H Club had a meeting Aug. 11 at the First Lutheran Church. It had its fair and livestock workshop to prepare for the 2019 Tuscarawas County Fair, covering animal and barn care, showmanship, sportsmanship, how to contact buyers and overall behavior.

The club also will have its third annual fall craft and vendor show Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Don R. Wallick Auctions in Strasburg. Applications are available on the club’s Facebook page. Spaces are limited and accepted on a first-come and first-paid basis.

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BURTON, Ohio — For the fifth consecutive year, Mary Kellis partnered with the Greener Fields 4-H Club to sponsor a 4-H food drive to benefit the Geauga Hunger Task Force.

Local businesses, 4-H Clubs, churches and libraries across the county participated by donating food and giving money. The proceeds will help Geauga residents that use one of the seven local food pantries supported by the Geauga Hunger Task Force.

The 4-H drive raised $18,251.39. With the match, $36,502.78 will have been raised for task force this year. This is an increase of $13,216.90 from last year’s drive.

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