Venango County woman charged in black bear killing


FRANKLIN, Pa. — Pennsylvania Game Commission officials recently announced Kelly Lynn Welch, 39, of Victory Road in Polk, Venango County, was charged with unlawfully killing a black bear.

Charges were filed June 22, before District Judge Michael Snyder in Franklin. Welch was charged with unlawfully killing a bear as she failed to meet justifications provided for by law that allows for the “killing game or wildlife to protect person.”


If convicted of the first-degree summary offense, Welch faces penalties of between $1,000 and $1,500, and possible restitution costs.

“The offense occurred on June 6, at Welch’s residence in Victory Township around 8:30 p.m.,” said Wildlife Conservation officer Ronda Bimber.

The Game and Wildlife Code is very specific in stating that killing wildlife in self-defense is only permitted when the facts support that a human is endangered to a degree that the immediate destruction is necessary. Based on the investigation, the facts of the case do not support that standard.”
See a related story here: Erie County man charged in black bear killing.