Western Pa. sheep, lamb and goat sale set at 4-H park


MERCER, Pa. — The 37th annual Western Pa. Sheep and Wool Growers sheep, club lamb and meat goat sale will be April 30 at the Mercer County 4-H Park Show Arena, Mercer, Pa. 16137. The Park is located one and a half miles north of Mercer on Route 19.

All sheep and meat goats must be in their pens by noon the day of the sale. All lambs and kids are weighed before the sale. All sheep and goats are on display until the sheep sale starts at 6:30 p.m.

Equipment sale

There is also a sheep equipment sale. Anyone with unused or good quality used sheep equipment, such as trimming stands, feed troughs, electric and hand shears, clipper blades and blankets, can bring their items to consign at the sale. All equipment must be at the show arena and consigned no later then 4 p.m. The sheep equipment sale starts at 5 p.m.

For more information on the sales, for catalogs, or to place bids you may contact Bob Calvert at 724-475-3119 or Don Hunter at 724-794-1707.