Western Reserve FFA celebrates past year, looks forward to upcoming one


COLLINS, Ohio – The Western Reserve FFA held its annual banquet May 18 with over 200 people in attendance.
The awarding of the degrees began with 17 second-year members who received their Chapter FFA Degrees: Kristin Barbas, Tylor Barker, Brad Beck, Kelson Dearth, Gregory Downing, Brittney Felter, Kyle Fitch, Matt Gillenwater, Faith Hamisfar, James Johnson, Derik Lane, Jordan Massie, Aloysius Miller III, Morgen Parsons, Kori Roth, Heather Sayler and John Sherman.
Next, 31 first-year members received their Greenhand Degrees.
Many parents, businesses and community members were awarded a certificate of appreciation for all of their support throughout the year.
The Honorary Degree was awarded to Dawn Combs for her help with the National Convention trip and the FFA Alumni.
Proficiency awards. The chapter proficiency awards were presented to Nick Takacs in ag mechanics repair and maintenance; Richard Bolden in agricultural sales, beef production, diversified agricultural products, grain production, and poultry production; Maria Zimmerman in diversified livestock production and swine production; Bryan Combs in equine science; Seth Todd in forage production and sheep production; and Whitney Boggs in small animal production and care.
Members who excelled in this year’s fundraising projects were also recognized.
The chapter presented a new award for members who have gone above and beyond their requirements.
The Active Member Award was presented to Lilly Hansberger, Aloysius Miller III, Richard Bolden, Maria Zimmerman and Kori Roth.
Scholarships. The Memorial Book Scholarships were presented to Bryan Combs, who received the Kenny Rogers Memorial Scholarship; and Richard Bolden, who received the Mike Fritz Memorial Scholarship.
The Classroom Academic Awards, Outstanding Members, Blue and Gold Awards, Star Awards, Dekalb Award, and the 110 Percent Award were then announced by chapter adviser Shannon Thome.
Members receiving the academic awards were: Casey Molesky, Heather Sayler, Maria Zimmerman and Kori Roth.
Receiving awards for outstanding members were: Brianna Hinckley, Aloysius Miller III, Maria Zimmerman, and Kori Roth.
Receiving the Blue and Gold Awards were: Robin Miller, Brad Beck, Lilly Hansberger and Bryan Combs.
Star Awards were presented to Hope Spishak, Star Greenhand; Heather Sayler, Star Chapter; and Richard Bolden, Star Agri-Business.
The 110 Percent Award was won by Sara Scheerer.
DEKALB Award. Megan Hembree was presented the school’s highest agricultural honor, the Dekalb Agricultural Accomplishment Award, sponsored by Monsanto Company.
The daughter of Tim Hembree of Oberlin and Kendra Courtney of Wakeman, she received the award for excellence in academics, leadership and agricultural work experience.
Her experiences and accomplishments include having receiving her State FFA Degree, serving as the 2005-2006 secretary, and the 2006-2007 chapter president, and being a member of the state equine Judging team and state cooperative education team.
As the winner of the 2007 award, Hembree’s name will be recorded on a permanent plaque displayed at the school.
Once the award presentations were over, chapter President Megan Hembree gave her retiring address.
New officers. Finally, the 2007-2008 chapter officer team was installed: Maria Zimmerman, president; Lilly Hansberger, vice president; Nichole Gillenwater, secretary; Sara Scheerer, treasurer; Heather Sayler, reporter; Casey Molesky, sentinel; and Aloysius Miller III, student adviser.

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