Sunday, February 16, 2025

Huff Run

Thirty-seven runners participated in a 5K Aug. 17 to raise money for the Huff Run Watershed Restoration Partnership. The race was held during the Mineral City Party in the Park. The overall female winner was Courtney Oliver, 14, at 22:04, while the overall male winner was Sean Jones, 16, at 17:06

Age class winners:

14 and under female first place: Jesse Stallings 25:36

14 and under male first place: Andrew Kendall 22:23

14 and under male second place: Codie Millhone 23:40

15-19 female first place: Katrina Dutka 29:54

15-19 male first place: Cory Zwich 19:10

15-19 male second place: Camaron Brown 20:14

15-19 male third place: Kody Mizer 20:20

20-29 female first place: Kendra Garrett 22:25

20-29 female second place: Marybeth Baumberger 24:06

20-29 female third place: Jennifer Jones 35:09

20-29 male first place winner: Zackary Wallick 20:18

30-39 female first place: Mary Jo Hanlon 30:46

30-39 male first place: Steve Neading 17:25

30-39 male second place: Rob Maurer 18:44

40-49 female first place: Terri Miller 27:20

40-49 female second place: Rose Gintz 28:30

40-49 female third place: Sue Becker 31:26

40-49 male first place: Dave Cox 20:36

40-49 male second place: Kevin Nay 20:37

40-49 male third place: Mike Gintz 21:46

50-59 female first place: Adrienne Teeple 36:56

50-59 female second place: Patricia Downes 40:15

50-59 male first place: Randy Mullen 23:42

50-59 male second place: Fred Strickling 29:54

60-69 female first place: Cheryle Stallings 28:58

60-69 male first place: Bill Campbell 35:24

70 and over male first place: Jerry Beaber 40:27

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Fun Mile:

Maddie Debos, age 7 at 8:58

Jacob Becker, age 10 at 10:50

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Farthest traveled to get to the race: Jennifer Jones of Ravenna

Last place racer: Jerry Beaber