Sunday, February 16, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "grain bins"

Tag: grain bins

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio — More than $3.4 million will be paid out to grain producers after operations were halted at Archbold Elevator in April after...

COLUMBUS — As some farmers face the probability of low-quality wheat this growing season — in some cases below quality standards for milling — they may need to look for alternative markets for their crop.

The shutdown of Bionol, the ethanol plant in Clearfield, Pa., has thrown a monkey wrench into grain marketing in the East currently. A plant...

Specialty millers prefer non-genetically modified grains for baked goods.

After the wettest spring on record, Ohio farmers finally got a break in the weather last week.

Program lowers crop insurance premiums for qualifying farmers in 12 states.

LUXEMBURG, Wis. — A drive around the countryside this time of the year will enable one to see farmers out working in their fields....

(Editor’s note: The following is reprinted from the C.O.R.N. newsletter, compiled by the Ohio State University agronomy team.)

Patience is still best action by farmers, as planting is delayed across the U.S.

A grain elevator in Archbold is no longer permitted to handle grain.