Tag: grain prices
Ag economy continues to stumble; best advice is to have...
Farmers from across Mercer and Lawrence counties listened as Kurt Barth, from Brock Associates, talked about global and farm economics.
Let’s toast to a better new year
Last year is now in the rear-view mirror, and most producers are not sorry to see it go.
Fickle grain markets are no Christmas present
Take a look at the grain markets and it is hard to find cause for celebration. Celebrate Christmas and the New Year, then get serious about selling grain.
Marketing the ocean waves
Sit by a quote screen the last month and the corn chart for the Chicago Board of Trade is like the ocean tide. It ebbs and it flows. Then ebbs some more.
Lots of weather, but no good grain price news
Soybeans are poised to go below $9, and that is the lowest price in a long time. Barring a turn to poor weather, beans will get cheaper, says grain merchandiser Marlin Clark.
Before the report, grain markets are cautiously higher
The critical numbers in the Supply and Demand Report are the carryouts. That is, what grain volume do we project to have left at the end of the marketing year?
The grain harvest rally is on… for now
There is nothing in the market to indicate we could have high grain prices. We have just seen a bounce from awful prices.
Grain commodity prices continue slide lower
Traders have focused on exports, transportation issues, South American weather, and politics as reasons for the decline in grain market prices.
Drought 2012: Dry weather, hot grain markets hang on
The drought weather market of 2012 has continued, with emphasis shifting back to soybeans once again. Last week, we made new highs in corn,...