Tag: pastures
Crops affect pasture CAUV
Ohio State Extension educator Josh Winters explains how corn, soybeans and wheat affect Ohio’s pastures.
Tackle weeds in pastures, forages
To manage forage weed control, you have to know what factors contributed to weed establishment in the first place, before spraying.
Do pastures need soil samples?
Managing nutrients in the pasture can increase profitability in those fields, the same way they do for other crops.
Spring management tips for your horse pasture
Spring can be a tricky time to manage horse pastures with melting snow and spring rains. However, you can use these tips to optimize yours.
Raising pigs on pasture
Learn the basics of raising pigs on pasture and decide if it's right for your operation.
Using goats to improve pastures
Goats are great for cleaning up brush and unwanted vegetation prior to the initial investment of starting a new pasture and loading it with livestock.
Grazing horses on better pastures
A new study by Krishona Martinson and colleagues at the University of Minnesota shows that warm-season annual grasses have good potential for use in horse pastures.
Pasture systems require a good water source
Water distribution is one of the most important elements of pasture-based livestock systems. Learn how to develop a better water system on your farm.
Critical fall pasture maintenance
Keep in mind that as the grazing season comes to an end there are plenty of ways that you can still improve your pasture for the following year.
Choose the right forage mix for your grazing needs
There is a list of about 10 more legumes that are compatible with small grains or ryegrass. It’s usually best to put just one legume species in a mix.