Saturday, January 25, 2025
round hay bales

Ohio State Extension educator Frank Becker provides tips for maintaining hay quality and storage spaces through the winter.
healthy soil

Ohio State Extension educator Heather Neikirk explains how the ecosystems within healthy soil work to keep it healthy.
grazing cattle

Despite the disturbance, livestock grazing and hay production are actually an incredible way to use reclaimed land.
sunset on a hay bale

Ohio State Extension educator John Yost provides tips to store and maximize hay.
Draganic cattle

Ohio State Extension educator Garth Ruff provides an overview of management options for winter feeding of beef cows in drought impacted areas.
FSR drought forage

Drought conditions have affected most of Ohio this summer and fall, and we need to consider the long-term effects that this could have on forages.
cattle on pasture

How bad is the observed condition of pasture following Ohio's drought. OSU Extension educator Christine Gelley offers insight.
grazing cattle

There are many plants with toxicity risk to livestock, and prussic acid concerns rank as some of the most common of which to be aware.
electric fence

OSU Extension educator Dean Kreager explains fencing issues that can arise during a drought and how to mitigate them.
a plowed field with power lines in the distance

A soil test will tell you the amount of lime you need to apply to reach your buffer pH, but does it matter what type of lime you choose? It sure does.