A roundup of 4-H news for the week of April 29, 2010


BURTON, Ohio –The Auburn Swine Club met April 18. Club president Bryan Briggs called the meeting to order. Club dues of $20 per member are due immediately.
Members discussed Relay for Life, which will be held May 22-23 at Cardinal High School, and registration forms were passed out.
Briggs gave the livestock sale committee report. The next sale committee meeting will be held May 13th; Kate Osborn volunteered to go.
The club is considering holding a car wash as a fundraiser.
Owen Pavella gave the adviser’s report and reminded everyone tagging is May 15th from 7 a.m. until noon at the Fairgrounds.
Demonstrations were given and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be held on May 16th at the School Exhibit Building on the Geauga County Fairgrounds.
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NORTH JACKSON — The Jackson-Milton Livestock Club met February 23, and the members voted on officers for the upcoming year.
The members attended Quality Assurance on March 6th, and learned about keeping their market projects safe and healthy for their consumers.
The week of March 7th was 4-H week, and the members wore their club shirts to school on the Wednesday of that week.
On March 13th, a meeting was held for members taking hog or lamb projects for the first or second time. The meeting covered the basics of taking those projects, there was a brief powerpoint presentation, and then the meeting was opened up for questions and discussion.
The group will have a float in the 4th of July Parade in North Jackson July 3.
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BURTON, Ohio — Geauga Beef and Swine 4-H Clubs met March 21 for their third meeting of the year.
President Caitlin Jefferson began the meeting by asking for a sales committee report and Vice President Jordan Munn explained that there will be no runners at the Livestock Sale this fair.
The club members then volunteered to attend the next Livestock Sales Committee Meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. April 8 in the school exhibit building at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.
Advisor Wendy Anderson told the poultry kids that turkeys will arrive either the second or third week in April.
At the end of the meeting the club made Easter cards for the County Home. The clubs will meet again at 3:30 p.m. April 18th in the school exhibit building at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.
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GEAUGA COUNTY, Ohio — Members of the Geauga Dairymen 4-H Club received their show shirts, club shirts and duffel bags during their April 14 meeting.
Club Safety Officer, Devon, gave a report on the Ten Rules to Bicycle Safety. Tony, the club’s health officer, gave a report on the importance of breakfast. Members were reminded to attend one of the mandatory quality assurance and junior fair meetings.
The club donated two gift certificates for the Debbie Petersen benefit. Shelly also collected a donation from the Middlefield Cheese Co-op for the benefit.
Members completed a thank you note to send for their donation. The club was reminded of Camp Whitewood, July 18-24.
The junior fair is having a T-shirt contest. The theme is “Don’t get stuck in the Mud, Plow through with Jr. Fair.” Entries are due by June 15. Members turned in their candy bar sale money.
Some members are planning to attend the Trumbull Dairy Clinic on May 1. The next meeting will be May 19.
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ORWELL, Ohio — The Mustang Wranglers 4-H horse club had their regular monthly meeting on April 17 at Saddles Etc. & Gift Shop, 8220 state Route 45.
The club went on a educational field trip to Equine Specialty Hospital in Burton, Ohio.
At he April meeting members discussed 4-H activities and the upcoming fair. They also reviewed plans for the clubs contesting horse show on June 19. The show will be located at Circle M Ranch on 7741 Gane Road, Williamsfield, Ohio.
For information on the horse show call 1-440-319-2009, or e-mail cirlclems5@hughes.net.
The next regular meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on May 8, at Saddles Etc.
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CARROLLTON — The Kilgore Rangers met April 11 for their monthly meeting. Before the meeting began, some 4-H members handed out information about the Ohio State University Extension levy to driveers at the beginning of the Drive It Yourself tour of Carroll County.
The group will meet again at 2 p.m. May 2 at the Minerva Bowling alley.
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GEAUGA COUNTY, Ohio — Members of the Plantmasters 4-H Club discussed new T-shirt designs and what they would like to order for this year. They watched a PowerPoint presentations about sunflowers and talked about when to plant seeds so they would be ready for the Great Geauga County Fair.
Mr. LaFavre showed students how to dissect and look at seeds under a microscope. Club members drew what they observed for their project books. Members and advisors donated items to put together two baskets for the Petersen Family Benefit.
Members have started working on their forestry project.

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