S.B. 130 isn’t perfect, but a start to animal welfare



Ohio is one of the least protective states regarding animal care. Why does the Senate in Ohio refuse to realize this?

It is a known fact cruelty to children and cruelty to animals go hand in hand. Is this really the reputation Ohio wants to promote to the rest of the country?

Many years ago, I did a great deal of transporting for Ohio animal rescues. I was asked to go to Sugarcreek to pick up puppies from the auction held there. Ii was handed a teacup poodle and, sadly, maggots were coming from her rectum. It was totally disgusting to me that any living thing would be treated in such a manner.

S.B.130 is trying to address some of this and I would hope all will contact your senators and help Ohio to be the state it came be. Puppy mills thrive here due to the lax laws. Ohio can, and should, do better for all living entities, human and animals.

While S.B.130 is not perfect, it is a start. Let’s make Ohio a poster child for animal care.

Mary G. Gibson

Louisville, Ohio

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  1. Mary can you tell me the date of the Poodle I will Call NC and find out what USDA person wasn’t doing their job I can’t belive they would let a dog be sold like that I know most of the USDA Inspectors They do a pretty good job So again Let the people of Ohio know the date so we can get the inspector out of his or her job

  2. Senate Bill 130 actually already passed the Ohio Senate by an overwhelming majority. The bill is now in the House Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee, where it will likely be voted on shortly after the election. Farm Bureau and the dog industry worked together to come up with some good amendments in the Senate, but it looks like some of the bill’s proponents aren’t satisfied with what passed the Senate. It’s disappointing that we could be so close to a bill that the proponents and opponents could agree on, and then the proponents want to go back to square one. It shows that the objective of many of the bill’s proponents isn’t to make life better for the dogs, it’s to put dog breeders out of business. What a shame.

  3. There are already more than enough animal welfare laws-We do NOT need anymore!!! These COMPLETELY unnecessesary regulations and laws have to be STOPPED at ALL costs…if people enjoy being dictated to, move to a communist country-dont force regulations that strip others of their freedoms.

    Dont believe everything that is said about animal cruelty-I found out a LONG time ago that nearly ALL of it was blown out of proportion, completely false, or there was much more to the story than what the person telling it said.

    Stop our government from pushing unneeded communistic style regulations and laws that violate our freedoms and rights. Contact legislators and STOP this bill and ALL other ones like it. People who truely commit crimes should be the ones punished-NOT everyone just because they may own an animal. This crap is getting out of hand!!

  4. Guess what I don’t understand is if the rescues and shelters are so overwhelmed with unwanted dogs/cats, why were they attending an auction to purchuse more. All you hear about is how much in need rescues/shelters are for funds yet they are hiring people to transport animals they purchased at an auction.

    I would also question when did Sugar Creek Ohio ever host an auction other than livestock?

    • Its hard to question anecdotal stories that are used to support these laws but those stories sure do gain support from the less than critical thinkers.

      My guess, the story is bunk.


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