Ohio Spring Dairy Expo is March 29-31


COLUMBUS – Dairy farmers are invited to a free barbecue dinner hosted by the American Dairy Association & Dairy Council Mid East March 29 4-6 p.m. in the George V. Voinovich Center at the Ohio Expo Center at the Spring Dairy Expo.

Dairy farmers will have the opportunity to learn more about how the dairy promotion checkoff program is working to increase dairy product demand.

ADADC Mid East will also have an exhibit at the trade show throughout the Spring Dairy Expo, March 29-31. Dairy fanners are encouraged to stop by and learn about a milk vending project that is creating new markets for milk sales.

Call ADADC Mid East at 1-800-292-MILK by March 23 to make a reservation.

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The Spring Dairy Expo’s Ohio PDCA Judging Conference provides training, practice and eligibility for potential judges.

Registration begins at 10 a.m. on March 29. Conference begins at 10:30 a.m.

Cost is $5 for members, $10 for nonmembers. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 10 judges.

The all-youth, 4-H and open FFA contest and collegiate practice will run simultaneously beginning with registration at 7:30 on March 31. An open contest for any youth, junior and senior divisions and the Ohio 4-H State contest with both divisions as well. For information contact Pete Spike at 614-688-3112.

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Spring Dairy Expo Schedule of Events


9 a.m.            Commercial Exhibits Set-up

10 a.m.            PDCA Judging Registration

10:30 a.m.            PDCA Judging Conference

11 a.m.            Cattle due in

3 p.m.            Commercial Exhibits open

3 p.m.            Silent Auction begins

4 p.m.            ADADC Mid-East BBQ/Annual Meeting

5 p.m.            Ohio Ayrshire Spring Sale

7:30 p.m.            Midwest Revue Sale

8 p.m.            Commercial Exhibits Close


8 a.m.            Mid-East National Spring Holstein Show Heifers, Dry Cows & Bulls

11 a.m.            Spring Dairy Expo Jersey Show

11 a.m.            Buckeye Dairy Club Guernsey Sale

Noon            Commercial Exhibits open

12:30 p.m.            Spring National Expo Holstein Sale

4 p.m.            Buckeye Dairy Club Holstein Sale

5 p.m.            Spring Dairy Expo Youth Showmanship Contest

5 p.m.            Ohio Beef Council Buffet

6 p.m.            Buckeye Dairy Club Jersey Sale

7 p.m.            Spring Dairy Expo Guernsey & Brown Swiss Shows

7 p.m.            National Ayrshire Spring Show

8 p.m.            Commercial Exhibits Close


8-9:30 a.m.            Spring Dairy Expo Breakfast

8:30 a.m.            All-Youth, 4-H & Open FFA Dairy Judging Contest

9 a.m.            Collegiate Dairy Judging Practice

9 a.m.            Commercial Exhibits Open

10:30 a.m.            Silent Auction closes

Noon            Mid-East National Holstein Spring Show – milking classes

1 p.m.            Commercial Exhibits close

3 p.m.            Supreme Champion Selection

4 p.m.            Closing of the 2001 Spring Dairy Expo

Dairy Cattle Sales
* Ohio Ayrshire Spring Sale – Thursday, 5 p.m. Managed by The Ohio Ayrshire Breeders’ Assoc., Marilyn Litzenberg, 740-625-5366.
* Midwest Revue Sale – Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Managed by Modern Associates, 937-663-4645.
* Spring National Expo Holstein Sale – Friday, 12:30 p.m. Managed by the Ohio Holstein Association, 330-264-9088.
* Buckeye Dairy Club Sales – Friday: Guernseys at 11 a.m.; Holsteins at 4 p.m.; Jerseys at 6 p.m. Managed by the Buckeye Dairy Club, 614-688-3112.

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