Saturday, May 18, 2024

FSA offers the Tree Assistance Program (tap) for orchardists and nursery tree growers who experienced losses from natural disasters.

The Farm Service Agency has a new Land Contract Guarantee loan program to assist with the transfers of farm real estate. This has been a pilot program in six states for the past three years.
grain bins

Visit a Farm Service Agency office and take a Market Assistance Loan out on your stored bushels in the bin.

This loan program was initially set up as both a direct and a guaranteed loan program. For fiscal year 2014 Congress has only funded the guaranteed conservation loan program.
wind turbines

Shale energy is big news for now, but wind has been with us forever.

Hello friends,The Farm Service Agency has a guaranteed loan program available to assist farmers and agricultural lenders. The guaranteed loans are made by a...
sweet corn

The right loan can make a big difference for your operation.

The purpose of the FSA guaranteed loan program is to assist lenders in extending credit to family farmers who do not qualify for standard commercial loans.
corn kernels and dollar bills

The purpose of the FSA Loan Program is to provide funding to producers who can't attain financing from traditional sources of credit.

USDA had made some changes, and producers will need to stop by their local FSA office and file a new AD-1026 if not already completed when signing up for the new ARC/PLC program.