Thursday, May 2, 2024

I compared notes with a friend at work about the kinds of music we'd been working on at our churches, Hers, being one of the largest congregations in the area, just finished doing a Christmas cantata which was, no doubt, grand.

Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb shares a fun tradition her family started several years ago: celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Sometimes, things really do look better with the break of dawn, writes Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb.

Wheat reigns supreme in our Western world with wheat flour a staple in so many of our foods. Besides wheat's nutritional properties, it is valued for the versatility of wheat gluten.

How do busy families instill table manners, and what happens when the mom herself is a food-dropping klutz? Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb confesses to always needing a napking or two.

The Salem Community Theatre's Youth Chorus have learned to make beautiful music together during the not quite 2-year span since they began.

Our family has never felt compelled to do "back to school" shopping like some, but since Kathie's lunch bag from last year is worn and stained, during a weak moment in Wal-Mart, I opted to pick up an insulated hot pink bag and a coordinated water bottle that slides neatly inside.

One would think that amid the tumultuous clutter my family saves, we could find needed materials when school projects roll around.

Why not give gifts that are homemade? A gift from the kitchen is twice blessed.

Why do teens who refuse to eat breakfast, pop up energetically when there's morning fast food involved, ponders Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb.