Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A summer buffet would not be considered a true hoedown without dancing. Just what is a "hoedown"? Webster dictionary says, "hoedown (ho'doun') noun 1. a...

May the force (against mindless food consumption) be with us.

It's a special day that first time a daughter calls home after moving away and asks for Mom's advice

Things haven't changed in some respects from some 40 years ago. We should use our Crock-Pots more often.

Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb writes about her daughter's search for a science fair project and the results.

April is Soyfoods Month. Serve something soy.

With a year of college behind her, Josie moved her stuff back home (it's always more than you start out with) and jumped with both feet into the job market.

Nutritional campaigns promoting good health have become necessary because we are too lazy and spoiled to think about what we are eating. Once upon...

One thing everyone in my family agrees on -- we do love eating greens. I have always been partial to Swiss chard.

Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb shares family discipline thoughts: Does "sparing the rod" really help?