Of Christmas chores and country kindness
By Jennifer Bryan
Paris, Ohio
Honorable Mention
The frosty morning air stung my nose as I stepped out the door of our farmhouse. My parents’ boot prints...
The believer
By Carlee Dunham
Castalia, Ohio
Age 11
Honorable Mention
Once upon a Christmas Eve, a young boy named Charlie did not believe in Santa Claus. He...
There is joy: A true story
By Anna Perkins
Westfield Township, Ohio
Age 16
Family. A Christmas tree. Singing carols on a neighbor’s doorstep. Watching her children’s delight at receiving the...
Electric Santa
Honorable mention: Veronica Easterday, 14, of North Bloomfield
Beep! Beep! Beep! Santa lazily covered his head with his pillow trying to block out the...
The Christmas gift
By Abbey Benninghoff
Bessemer, Pa.
Age 17
Honorable mention
Up at dawn, doing chores at six years of age may sound crazy, but for Grace, she thrived...
Holiday writing contest, youth division 2009
Christmas stories of love, wishes, lessons learned and animals filled our mailbox and inboxes in the past few weeks and we couldn’t have been...
2009 Adult writing contest and youth art winners
The holidays have a special meaning to all of us. It could be the sights and sounds of the children sled riding down the...