A friend for Christmas


By Jaclyn Krymowski
Hinckley, Ohio
Age 12

Honorable Mention

Sarah watched the winter snow fall fast, thick and heavy. This would be the loneliest Christmas ever. For it was Christmas Eve and all of Hickory Town was expecting a railroad to cut through it, bringing food, people and supplies. But it had passed them right up.

Sarah hoped that the railroad would bring her a friend, someone to love, but no, here she was alone on Christmas Eve.

“Sarah,” yelled her father from downstairs, disturbing her thoughts “Get them hogs in, the snow’s pickin’ up.”


As Sarah opened the door she could smell Grandma’s Christmas pie baking in the oven. She raced down the stairs and put her boots on. Luckily, the hogs cooperated this time and walked right in the barn.

Sarah was just about to head in for the night when she noticed Annabelle, the farm’s pregnant Hereford, hadn’t come in for the night.

“ Annabelle,” called Sarah.

But she was nowhere in sight. Not in the yard, not across the snow-covered road. Gone.

“She can’t be too far,” said Sarah to herself, “I’ll saddle up a cow pony and be back in a half an hour.”

So she got Winchester out of his stall and saddled him. The brave duo stepped out into the winter cold. Sarah started out toward a creek near Seldom Seen Hollow, a popular spot for pregnant cows. Nothing.

The two rode on for about 2 miles with nothing. Then, Sarah saw a mounted figure riding toward them. She cautiously trotted toward the figure.

She was shocked at what she saw. It was a girl about her age leading Annabelle!

“This your Hereford? She delivered near our farm a few hours ago and I saw you,” said the stranger.

“Sure is, I’m Sarah. But who are you and where are ya from?” asked Sarah.

“I’m Angela and I live yonder them Seldom Seen Hollow. My family owns a farm back there and this is my horse, Remington.”

Sarah was about to start a lively conversation when, at that moment, Sarah noticed she didn’t even know which way home was. The snow lightened and in the sky Sarah and Angela saw the brightest star they had ever seen in their lives.

“Just like that star on the first Christmas Eve,” Sarah said.

“You’re right,” Angela said. “Think you can find your way home from here?”

“No, but maybe, just maybe, the star will lead me home.”

“I’ll go with you, just to make sure the calf gets home safe. I can follow the star home.”

So Sarah, Angela, Annabelle, Winchester, Remington, and the calf went home. Sarah had gotten just what she wanted for Christmas: A friend.

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