Thursday, May 2, 2024

Cull cow value is determined by supply and demand, carcass quality, and percentage of lean meat yield per carcass.
Pine needles.

Before the snow starts to fly, take time to plant some native evergreens that will benefit local wildlife and keep your interest this winter.
Ohio Buckeye seed and leaves.

Throughout September and October, buckeyes start dropping from mature trees. Learn to collect the perfect seeds and grow your own Ohio Buckeye tree.

Throughout Autumn, deep orange vegetables are plentiful and packed with nutritional qualities linked to numerous health benefits.

While some perennials need cut back in the fall, others add to your winter landscape, provide food for birds and shelter beneficial insects.

The following is a detailed list of the important steps to control human scent, the biggest give-away that alarms deer and usually sends them running.

Pound for pound, the leaves of most trees contain twice as many minerals as manure. Learn to build a compost pile with the ones you rake up this fall.

Tagging livestock is an important part of animal identification but must be done properly to keep the animal from losing its tag or getting an infection.

Just because the food you packed in the morning comes back in the afternoon doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious. Work with your child to keep lunch healthy.

Learn more about alternative methods to combat fleas in your house and on your pets.