How to deal with pasture and forage pests
Ohio State Extension educator shares best practices for managing pests in pastures and forage fields.
How to defeat cressleaf groundsel
Cressleaf groundsel is considered a noxious weed in Ohio due to its aggressive growth and because it produces a chemical toxic to livestock and humans.
How to make paska bread
Liz Partsch provides a brief description of the history of Paska bread and step-by-step guide on how her Grandma Partsch makes Paska bread every Easter.
Hunting for sheds after deer season ends
Deer hunting season is over, so Ohio hunters can move on to shed hunting. Jim Abrams first explains the process of antler shedding. He then discusses training dogs to assist in shed hunting and gives tips for finding shed antlers.
How to make deer kielbasa
Liz Partsch talks about Matt Partsch's deer kielbasa making traditions and provides a step by step guide on how to make deer kielbasa at home.
How to manage your pastures for calving
Ohio State University Extension's Jordan Penrose walks readers through managing pastures for the best calving outcomes.
How to mitigate frost heaving in alfalfa fields
There are practices you can implement to reduce the risk of frost heaving. Two prevention strategies focus on increasing residue and minimizing bare soil.
How to enjoy a greener holiday this year
Summit Soil and Water Conservation District Outreach Coordinator Sandy Barbic provides tips to enjoy a greener holiday season this year.
How to make sauerkraut
Reporter Liz Partsch provides a step for step guide on how her family makes their annual supply of sauerkraut.
How to avoid hitting deer during rut
During their breeding season, deer may dart into roadways with little caution. Drivers should be extra vigilant during rut to avoid deer-vehicle collisions.