Friday, May 3, 2024

ROGERS, Ohio -- The Country Friends 4-H group will be holding a car wash to raise funds for their group. The event is set...

WASHINGTON -- The USDA and the Department of Justice will jointly hold a public workshop June 25 in Madison, Wis., to examine competition and...

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. —Disease remedies using plant products fill the market, but most have not been tested well enough to be able to assure...

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- The Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board approved a change to the formula used to calculate Pennsylvania milk dealers' over-order premium payments to...

With more than 20 years of no-till practices on their property, the Yost family can clearly see the benefits.

Editor:According to an article by Dog Trainer Casey Lomonaco, breeders and rescuers should be equally considered when adopting dogs.Consider this alarming statistic. Every 6...

W.G. Dairy Supply installs one of state's first robotic milking systems.

COLUMBUS — Late blight was confirmed in Pennsylvania and Kentucky in late May, generating concerns that this devastating disease of tomato and potato may...

WOOSTER, Ohio -- When Ohio State University completes its state-of-the-art plant and animal agrosecurity research facility in 2012, it will be a timely investment...

Charges lead to license revocation, $6,000 in fines, probation and forfeiture of ginseng.