A roundup of 4-H news for the week of June 10, 2010


ROGERS, Ohio — The Country Friends 4-H group will be holding a car wash to raise funds for their group. The event is set for 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. June 12 at the New Waterford Fire Hall. Donations will be accepted.
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GEAUGA, Ohio — The Geauga Beef and Swine 4-H club met May 16 for their fourth meeting of the year.
President Caitlin Jefferson told the club members that 4-H camp will be held July 18-24h at Camp Whitewood. Kelsey Rumburg also added that there will be a teen camp that will be held at Camp Whitewood and it is for teens 13 to 18 years old.
Advisor Jeanne Jefferson mentioned that pig tagging that was held May 15 went well but that the times will be changing for next year.
The club discussed the clean up that is at the Geauga County Fairgrounds June 12 and decided to change their meeting to right before the clean up.
The club also nominated two club members for Junior Fair King and Queen and they are Devin Brown and Caitlin Jefferson.
The club also decided to participate in the Food-a-thon that Hare Raisers 4-H club is putting on to donate to the hunger task force.
The club members then volunteered to attend the next Livestock Sales Committee Meeting that will be held June 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the school exhibit building at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.
The clubs will meet again at 4:30 p.m. June 12 in the school exhibit building at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.
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JACKSON MILTOWN Township, Ohio — The Jackson-Milton Livestock Club held their last meetingMay 17.
The members picked up their project books, which they will complete with their projects, and turn in at the fair.
Anmarie and Kasey Moucha and Hannah Bond gave presentations on lambs, teaching the members about the parts of the lamb, and the different breeds of lamb.
This month’s service project was collecting puppy food for Angels for Animals, and next month’s project will be collecting gently used soccer gear.
Applications for Sheep and Wool Ambassador, Royal Court, and 4-H Camp Whitewood were available. There is a Market Skillathon at the Millcreek Metroparks Farm from 6 p.m.- 9 p.m. June 15, where the kids will be tested of their knowledge on the species of animal they will be taking to the fair.
The next meeting will be a picnic at Liberty Park, at 5 p.m. 19.
All members will be asked to bring a casserole, salad, or dessert, and are reminded that we will be ordering club shirts on this night also.
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RANDOLPH, Ohio — Creatures-n-Features members gathered April 8 to make dog toys for all of the loving dogs at the Portage County Animal Shelter to play with, until they find permanent homes.
Creatures-n-Features is proud to announce some of the achievements, made by individual club members and the club as a whole, that were recognized at the county awards ceremony April 11.
Whitney Makekau was awarded the blue ribbon award for secretary’s book, a scholarship as a Portage County representative to OhioSea Camp, and county-wide gold medal award for consumer science. Cora Joy Carson received a scholarship as a Portage County representative for Carving New Ideas Leadership Camp. Michaela Ritz was awarded county-wide gold medal in rabbit leadership and a scholarship as a Portage County representative for Ohio Forestry Camp.
Creatures-n-Features, as a club, was selected as a Club of Distinction for Portage County, and also received a blue ribbon for scrapbook, a blue ribbon for treasurer’s books, and honorable mention for the Portage County window decorating contest.
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MEDINA, Ohio —     The Guilford Go-fers 4-H club had a meeting last night, June 2.
The group was shown how to make bottle rockets out of empty soda pop bottles. Group members also got together on May 31 for the Seville Memorial Day Parade. They had a float, pulled by a tractor.
The group would love to welcome new members.
If you are interested in joining, we invite you to come to our next meeting. We will be cooking outdoors at Hubbard Valley Park at 7 p.m. June 24.

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