Friday, May 17, 2024

CENTENNIAL, Colo. — The Beef Promotion Operating Committee has recommended a $45.8 million Cattlemen’s Beef Board budget for fiscal year 2009, reflecting a 6.6...

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Recent hog prices are described as a “miracle” by a Purdue University Extension marketing specialist, who compares the high prices to an answered prayer.

High energy prices, increasing global demand, drought and other factors -- not biofuels -- are the primary drivers of higher food costs.

COLUMBUS — The annual dairy banquet for the Department of Animal Sciences and the Buckeye Dairy Club was held May 10 at the new...

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio — Ohio Agriculture Director Robert Boggs recently issued a proclamation extending the emergency order issued in May 2007, that prohibits the intrastate...

PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio fishing enthusiasts who bait their lines with imported shiners may soon be catching Lake Erie smallmouth bass, walleye or crappie...

Estimating the total cost of a college education can be confusing, which often leads to bad decisions when it comes to funding that education.

HARRISBURG, Pa. — The newly formed Pennsylvania Center for Beef Excellence unanimously elected a slate of officers to guide the efforts of the Pennsylvania...

The last time cicadas from Brood XIV emerged, George Bush Sr. was leading the nation, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was on prime time, and a gallon of gasoline cost $1.15.

Since 1991, this brood has been feeding and maturing underground in southwestern Ohio, central and eastern Pennsylvania, western West Virginia and nearly all of Kentucky.

Reduced plantings are expected to push cottonseed prices to $400/ton.