Thursday, May 2, 2024
Palmer aramanth

Know where your feed, seed and equipment come from.
picture of a gavel

XTO will spend an estimated $3 million to restore eight sites damaged by unauthorized discharges of fill material into streams and wetlands and will also implement a comprehensive plan to comply with federal and state water protection laws at the company’s West Virginia’s oil and gas extraction facilities that use horizontal drilling methods.

Cropping systems specialists from Kansas State University and Purdue University have completed a comprehensive review of corn research in the U.S. and worldwide over the past 100 years.
cows at trough during the winter

The extreme cold weather we have been experiencing often times prompts radio and TV newscasts to remind us of items such as to keep your pets inside and how to care for your pets during the cold weather.
well rig

New facilities, including a high-voltage substation and transmission lines, were completed to accommodate new natural gas processing facilities and other energy-intensive operations in Ohio’s Utica Shale region.

The US EPA recommends that private water wells be checked every year for the presence of coliform bacteria, nitrates, and any other contaminants of local concern.

AEA will operate a strong position of more than 300,000 net acres in the prolific Utica and Marcellus shale plays located in eastern Ohio and northern West Virginia.

Landowners will need to decide whether or not to update their property’s crop yields and determine whether or not to re-allocate the farm’s base acres by Feb. 27.
Barn fire

A Tallmadge horse farm lost 15 horses in a barn fire Thursday.

A sculpture made from nearly 1,000 pounds of butter and showcasing a fundraising campaign for an innovative food bank milk program was unveiled Jan. 8 at the Pennsylvania Farm Show.