Friday, May 3, 2024
bald eagle

Recovering species can be a long, slow process, but that's what makes the process worthwhile. Today, bald eagles nest in all states except Hawaii.

From mid-February through early March, females are in heat. Don't be surprised to see skunks roaming the countryside the next few weeks.

The Great Backyard Bird Count celebrates its 20th anniversary next weekend, Feb. 17-20.

A bird feeder is a window into the world of wild bird behavior. It can entertain and educate curious birdwatchers for hours.

With warmer weather on the horizon, now is the time to plan summer getaways. Scott Shalaway has some great suggestions if you want to enjoy wildlife.

Ground feeders are nice to have around because they clean up the seeds other birds kick to the ground.

Right now, wood frogs are frozen solid. The body is rigid, breathing ceases and the heart stops beating. They have perfected the cryogenic freezing process. They are literally "frogsicles."

Birds use a variety of tactics to fight the cold. Scott Shalaway explains the different survival techniques of birds.

Though gray foxes are elusive, spotting a wild bobcat is an even greater challenge. However, bobcats are surely more common than most people suspect.
cardinal in snow

Scott Shalaway first wrote a birdwatcher’s version of Twas the Night Before Christmas back in 1988, and readers responded enthusiastically. Requests come every year to reprint it, so here it is!