Wednesday, May 1, 2024
rain barrel

Ohio has seen its fair share of rain so far this summer. A rain barrel is one way to recycle rain for multiple uses around your home.

The Pennsylvania Brown Swiss Association hosted the national convention, June 24-27.
flag and gavel

Thirteen states filed a lawsuit June 29 against the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers over the agencies’ rule defining “waters of the United States.”

Group of European wheat buyers visits OARDC, tours research on new varieties.

A group of Ohio landowners is claiming more than $1 billion from illegal CAUV taxation.
Week in review 6/27

This week’s top stories include details on the Beaver County Stockman’s Club’s departure from its 4-H affiliation, a feature on newly retired vocational agriculture teacher Mike Bardo, Pennsylvania’s interstate quarantine for bird flu biosecurity and more.

An interim standard spells out how gypsum can be incorporated as part of various conservation programs and NRCS financial assistance options for gypsum applications.
lily, plantain and dandelion

Local foods are hot right now, and it doesn’t get more local than foraging food in your backyard or at a nearby park.

OPGMA summer field day features two Wayne County produce operations.

Trade promotion authority could help the U.S. make more deals to benefit agriculture.