Friday, February 7, 2025
Fair Queen Meghan O'Reilly

The Geauga County Junior Fair Livestock sale brought in around $480,000 dollars with poultry and duck projects receiving top dollars.
Allis Chalmers 1937 ad

Combined harvesters (combines to you and me) have been around as long as the reaper, with Hiram Moore building the first successful one in 1834 in Michigan.

USDA will offer farm ownership microloans, creating a new financing avenue for farmers to buy and improve property.
Miller family pheasant hunting

Ohio pheasant hunts are all gone for sure, all but here in Bucyrus, Ohio, where Dennis and Terri Courtad have created what might be called a honey hole for pheasants and pheasant hunters.
Jack Donohue and the 8NCREDIBLE

FLETCHER, N.C. — A 1952 Ford 8N tractor dubbed the “8NCREDIBLE,” has taken the title of world’s fastest farm tractor, reaching a speed of...

A Kansas State University veterinarian says taking your puppy out before it has been fully vaccinated for parvovirus could be deadly, especially at this time of year.

Southwest Ohio wheat growers with early flowering fields planted with highly scab-susceptible varieties are at moderate risk for Fusarium head blight development this week.

An innovative food bank milk distribution program, spearheaded by the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, got an assist during this year's Pennsylvania Farm Show.

At Pa. performance sale, top-selling buck sells for $1,700.

The Canfield Fair Pumpkin Show celebrates its 53rd year.