Deadlines for ACRE and SURE are approaching


Hello Again!

The next 30 days around our house are going to be rather stressful. Well, for mom at least.

First, my baby will be entering her senior year of high school. Ever since kindergarten, she has faithfully gotten up every morning to see me off to work at 6 a.m. Only one more year and then she will be going off to college. Then, I won’t have anyone to see me off to work.

Second, my older daughter will be going back for her second year of college. She enjoys it very much, but she can’t understand why mom wants to talk to her every night to see how she is doing. I just want to check in and make sure she is all right. It is a mother thing, I guess.

Third, I will be turning the Big 5-0! Oh, I know I will survive, but I don’t feel that old. Those who have already passed 50 just tell me, “It is all downhill from here!” Guess I will find out.

Speaking of dates…

All this discussion about time reminds me that FSA has some important deadlines approaching that I don’t want you to miss!

Aug. 31 — Producers of value loss crops such as aquaculture, Christmas trees, floriculture, ginseng, mushrooms, ornamental nursery, turf grass sod and watercress have until Aug. 31 to purchase Non Insurable Assistance coverage.

The Non Insurable Assistance program provides financial assistance to producers of noninsurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory or prevented planting occur due to natural disasters.

The service fee is the lesser of $250 per crop or $750 per producer per administrative county, not to exceed a total of $1,875 for a producer with farming interests in multiple counties.

Sept. 1 — The deadline to submit 2009 production to comply with the ACRE program has been extended. Producers now have until Sept. 1 to certify for both the farm benchmark yield (2004 through 2008) and the actual farm yield for 2009 production.

Failure to certify yields will result in producers being ineligible for payments under the ACRE program. Call your local FSA office today and schedule an appointment.

Sept. 30 — The Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program provides benefits for farm revenue losses due to a natural disaster. Producers have until Sept. 30 to file an application for the 2008 crop year. There are no provisions for late-filed applications.

For producers to be eligible for SURE, they must have obtained a policy or plan of insurance for all crops through either the Federal Crop Insurance Act or FSA’s Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance program. There are limited exceptions to this rule, and the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program does not require coverage for forage crops intended for grazing.

Contact your local FSA office for further information and to see if you may be eligible.

Until next week, enjoy the summer sun and don’t forget the sunscreen!

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