New Look


We think it’s time for a change, and after months of consideration, planning, and reviewing trial layouts created by graphic artist Karen Johnson, we’ve come up with a new look. Thanks, Karen!
It’s been four years (with this issue) since I joined the Farm and Dairy staff and took over the planning of these pages. A couple hundred columns and two cookbooks later, I’m much better (thankful, too) for all I’ve learned from my experiences at the paper. I enjoy and highly value the wealth of information that comes to me from readers, food supply sources, and nutrition agencies.
The perkiest part of my job is the feeling I get each time I see the personal address labels, the hand-addressed envelopes, the print-outs of e-mails from our readers in my mail basket here at the paper. Your opinions and contributions make this job more fulfilling.
My main goal remains to keep us informed about current food and health trends and provide a variety of recipes while promoting our best nutritional interests. These family pages need not only be informative but should serve as a chance for us to correspond, ask questions, and help each other by exchanging the variety of life experiences and family foods we are exposed to.
Through your interest and input, I hope we will keep learning and continue to improve our lifestyles.
My timing needs improvement. Working with a 10-days-ahead deadline should keep me on my toes; instead, it usually keeps me confused.
I apologize to Jared Myers and family. Jared’s birthday was February 24th, not the 17th as we previously published. His sister Andrea (Farm and Dairy reporter) and I thought we might pull a birthday surprise on him, but I blew it and got the date wrong. I guess Jared had the last birthday laugh.
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While I’m remembering birthdays, I’ll extend my best birthday wishes to my husband, Mark. Mark is one of my most devoted readers. He says he looks forward to reading my column every week (probably with some sense of dread since I often write about him). I’m usually inspired by what interests me, what’s close to me, what’s fresh on my mind; and I’m grateful that Mark is such a good sport about it.

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