Monday, May 6, 2024

Monthly Archives: January 2001

In Geauga, Ohio's top ranking county in the production of maple syrup, the season will start as it has for the last 61 years, with the annual Maple Institute Jan. 17.

Thirty-five exhibitors from three states will offer antiques and collectibles at the annual Avalon Inn Antiques Show Jan. 26-28.

This letter writer takes offense to an elected official who considers those who choose to farm unsophisticated country bumpkins.

Although times are good, the future of the beef industry is uncertain, and Ohio producers will have to work hard to increase the demand for beef.

The Ohio Cattlemen's Association is looking ahead to a new national administration and new local and national officers in the beef industry. Complete convention wrapup.

Editor Susan Crowell warns the manure regulations are hitting farms of all sizes, not just the big boys.

The Ohio Department of Agriculture has tapped Kevin Elder to lead its new livestock regulatory division.

This is a challenging time for milk producers. Find out what your weakest management areas are and work on these first.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

Along the way style imposed itself over the basic function of chairs, as columnist Roy Booth points out in this week's column.