Friday, May 3, 2024

Monthly Archives: June 2001

With only 12 remaining, the museum searched the world for a tanker to restore. It will be displayed outside the museum at various times over the summer.

Stenholm-Boehner substitute amendment squeaks by the House Agriculture Committee on a 24-23 vote.

An extremely rare 19th century Navajo blanket was appraised at up to half a million on Antique Road Show.

Purdue entomologists predict that when the spring armyworm infestation is over, another invasion of fall armyworms could arrive.

Up to 6,000 pounds of beef will be roasted eight to nine hours over hot coals for the event, which is held each year to help fund the volunteer fire department.

What once seemed to be the tradition of rugged Texans and cowboys of the wild west, the lure of rodeo is attracting more and more fans each year. That "cowboy way" is alive and well in Belmont County, Ohio.

Harold Lehman of Canfield gave the Northeast Ohio Forestry Association a chance to take a twilight tour of his woods before the cutting begins.

This year 43 of Ohio's 88 counties are under quarantine, which means they are infested and all nursery stock and timber must be inspected before exported out of those counties.

"There are two things free in this world," says dairy producer Bill Watkins of Morristown, Ohio, "sunlight and rain. Why not take advantage of them and graze your animals?"

Dargate Auction Galleries of Pittsburgh is going on its own auction block Sept. 7 as Larry and Carol Farley auction off their contollling interest in the gallery.