Saturday, May 4, 2024

Monthly Archives: January 2002

There is fear among supporters of losing 4-H programs, but the chair of the new tax levy campaign committee emphasizes that extension is more than just 4-H.

Brainstorming on issues of concern was as important a part of the proceedings as were the workshop meetings for the annual meeting of the Innovative Farmers of Ohio.

"Goat roping is kind of rough," says Carroll County's Nikki Bacon, Ohio High School Rodeo Queen, "but I would ride a bull just to prove I could."

History books reveal ancestors of modern Holsteins were polled. The majority of horned animals in today's dairy industry are a result of few dairy cattle breeders selecting for the polled trait.

Ohio farmer says the Ohio Farm Bureau's support of legislation to extend CAUV recoupment to five years in the name of farmland preservation in not in the interest of the farmer.

Bernie Erven, ag economist at OSU specializing in human resource issues and a member of the OSU's DairyExcel team, writes what you can do during a new employees first few hours on the job.

Each week "Farm and Dairy" challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

Each week "Farm and Dairy" takes a look at what was making news in years gone by.

Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb writes about her reunion, via video tribute, with wit and wisdom of "The Beverly Hillbillies."

Antique columnist Roy Booth writes about the way tool makers used the right wood to fashion the right tool, when tools were handmade and carved from wood.