Friday, May 3, 2024

Monthly Archives: May 2005

While reading the book written by Bettie Youngs, I couldn't help but notice many similarities to so many farm families I have known over my lifetime.

The finances of Dairy Farmers of America are souring faster than cream in a July sun, according to a May 9 Moody's Investors Service report.

Feed is the most expensive input on a dairy farm. Dairy operations typically incur annual feed expenses amounting to $1,000 to $1,200 per cow per year.

Helping prepare a program for my Monday (reader's) Club prompted me to dig out the correspondence my family has saved over the years.

Now that I'm a "real writer" (as opposed to my former slacker's life as a married mother moonlighting as a writer), I'm amazed at all the similarities - besides sleeping late - between tortured artists and me.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - If farmers hope to keep their operations in the family and running successfully, they better start talking.

MANHATTAN, Kan. - Commercial swine producers are not the only producers who should be concerned with diseases entering their herds.

Within the past 10 years a great interest in sheep handling facilities has developed in this country.