Saturday, May 4, 2024

Monthly Archives: July 2006


SALEM, Ohio - Farm groups let out a sigh of disappointment after talks stalled earlier this week during the Doha Round of World Trade Organization negotiations.

SALEM, Ohio - Innovative Farmers of Ohio is about to give fresh meaning to the words "intensive learning.

LOUISVILLE, Ohio - Think having a small dairy farm - and a profitable one, at that - is impossible? Or that a husband and wife farming full-time together is a thing of bygone days? Phil and Julie Myers point to themselves as living proof it can be done.

SALEM, Ohio - The name has changed and the ownership is different, but

CARROLLTON, Ohio - Leann Johnson has raised champion lambs before, but this year's 126-pound champion just might be her favorite.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet." - William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet By Susan Crowell Farm and Dairy advertising representative Georgeanne Wolf hand-delivered the fax.

The biggest non-news news of the yet-young summer arrived July 1 when the Doha Development Round of World Trade Organization talks melted into a muddy puddle of recriminations as the trade yakkers in Geneva failed to even begin their "last ditch" effort to save the troubled talks.

The trip was off to a good start. Made good time to the Pittsburgh airport, narrowly missing the 100,000 people the shuttle driver said would be converging on the airport to see the Air Force Air Show at 1 p.

I usually read more than one book at a time. I keep a book by my bed, and maybe one in the bag I take to work, but this summer I'm into overload with the books I've started.