Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Monthly Archives: November 2008

For those who are relieved this presidential election is over, I write this column. President-elect Barack Obama was born the year John F. Kennedy...

Farmers can't assume their story is going to get out there if they don't tell it, because it won't.

It has come to my attention that when I shared a photo of our head dog, Ace, with my blog readers recently, I may...

November is usually a dismal month, thanks to cooler temperatures, gray skies, rain and mud. But not this year. The first week of...

Watching the grain markets these days is like watching that optimistic kid digging through that pile of manure: There must be a pony in...

MINERVA, Ohio — Minerva High School FFA held its monthly meeting Oct. 28. They discussed the treasurer’s report and the secretary’s minutes. They also...

WINTERSVILLE, Ohio — The Bareshoe Wranglers 4-H club met recently at the Jefferson County Vocational School. The club discussed selling cookie dough as a fundraiser. The...

Hello again, friends! The 2008 Farm Bill is bringing changes to our 2009 farm plans just as the changing weather is bringing changes to our...

Editor: In Terry Crock’s recent letter, Yes, we need change: It’s called personal responsibility, he spoke of the change we need as taking greater personal...

See how the 2008 election will affect the Obama Administration's Cabinet positions, as well as the balance of power in the House and Senate. Former...