Thursday, May 2, 2024

Monthly Archives: November 2008

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Two North Dakota farmers, who filed a lawsuit in June of 2007 to end the Drug Enforcement Administration’s ban on...

JEROMESVILLE, Ohio — Seventy members of the Hillsdale FFA received their Greenhand and Chapter degrees Nov. 5. The guest speaker was Krystin Bachman, Ohio’s...

This pumpkin cake may not be so different from other pumpkin cakes you've tried, but see if you agree with me; it's right up there with the better ones.

Hello from Hazard!OK this is a really short deadline week for Hazard because of the Thanksgiving holiday. We are writing this on Thursday afternoon...

Last week as I traveled across the southern tier of New York, V-shaped skeins of Canada geese crossed the sky from north to south....

Proving yet again even my dog is more forward thinking than I, the stick has recently been inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame....

The lack of adequate rainfall in our area this summer and fall left many producers with less forage than they would like, but that...

"Much to be thankful for, much to ponder which has passed away, much to contemplate which is yet to come." -- Silas Smith, 1918 Thanksgiving...

Hello Again!As we begin to shovel our way through the 2009 farm bill, there are additional benefits for beginning farmers, socially disadvantaged farmers and...

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- Hog producers may actually be helped by the current recession because of lower feed costs, said a Purdue University Extension...