Monday, May 6, 2024

Monthly Archives: October 2009

Most pregnant women will listen to their maternal instinct to protect their babies and refuse to take any flu shot, swine or otherwise, in spite of the heavy propaganda.

COLUMBUS -- For the first time, consumers can reach a food safety hotline at Ohio State University by e-mail at Due to a...

Editor:I am a local retired food animal veterinarian. I am currently a beef and grain farmer here in Tuscarawas County and I support Issue...

Editor:As a livestock and grain farmer I would encourage everyone to vote yes on Issue 2 so we can continue to have safe, affordable...

COLUMBUS -- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that approximately 34,000 beneficiaries in Ohio will need to secure new Medicare coverage for...

Help Grow Your Own Soup, a Campbell's Soup program, is drawing attention to barn preservation and the FFA. You can vote for your favorite barn and also help earn donations for the FFA with your online vote.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget (or at least 'hazard a guess' as to its use).

Left to right, Bruce Reede, Rachel Clarice, Mike Snavely, Audrey Yane all of Athens, Ohio, Regina Horning of North Canton, Ohio, and Stacy Hall...

Editor: As president/CEO of a grain marketing and farm supply cooperative in Ohio, I want to make sure people understand the importance of passing State...

"Throwing down hay from the highest point of the south mow, I was drawn to the west corner by the tiniest of sounds. Nestled...