This is not 1909, but 2009



As a livestock and grain farmer I would encourage everyone to vote yes on Issue 2 so we can continue to have safe, affordable and local food in Ohio.

By the help of God and technology, we have the best and safest food supply of every country in the world. It takes a lot of hard work by many people who trust in God.

We live and work with our animals, plants, trees and land to make it that way. I also work in the feed industry and we try to make sure all livestock have excellent feed available to ensure you have safe food.

The Livestock Board will represent small, as well as large, farmers. We need farmers of all varieties and sizes to feed the world and offer consumers the best, safest and many choices of food available.

This is not about the local humane society, most locals endorse agriculture. We do care about and for animals and we care about all voters and the public.

Remember, we live our lives and patronize the community the same as every one does. It is the right thing to do for everyone’s benefit.

Vote yes on Issue 2.

Betty Wiedle

Fremont, Ohio

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